Leadership Growth and Development for Start Ups, Scale Ups, and Grown Ups.

My name is Nina, and I am passionate about all things new leadership, emotional intelligence, and purpose in a working environment. Collaborating with me means diving into your own story to explore your unique way of leading a team and thus creating a successful and happy working environment for yourself and the ones around you.
The biggest challenge is often to find your very own way of leading because we are distracted by so much information, theories, and how-tos. Instead of adding tools and theories on top of your to-do list, we will find your leadership essence within you.
We will explore your stories, patterns, beliefs, and communication style to rethink and adjust what is still valid and what needs to be released as an old version. No added tasks but truly anchored behaviours and values.
I am curious to meet you.
Do you find yourself in a leadership position where people expect you to excel, inspire, perform, and shine? Yet you haven't been prepared in any way to step into this role, to lead a team, and to organise not just yourself but also your team members?
There is a multitude of topics we can run our workshop about – yet the core of my workshop stays always the same: challenging our existing patterns and behaviours and bringing us into conversation with ourselves and the ones around us.
You are looking for like-minded leaders that are also eager to dive deeper into their role and its challenges and beauties? Whether entrepreneur or employed manager – you are more than welcome to join, just as you are.


My true passion lies in creating spaces for people to be and discover themselves that led like a common thread through all moments of my career.
In 2019, I decided to start my own business to create a life based on freedom, growth, purpose, and authenticity that not only makes me happy but also makes the world a tiny bit more human and vulnerable. I am curious to meet you and hear your story because in the end – Ram Dass said it perfectly: "We're all just walking each other home".
Besides being a coach and trainer, I am a yogi, dog lover, and I'd do anything for a yummy piece of chocolate. I enjoy long walks with my dogs, being in nature, spending time with friends and beloveds, leading deep and touching conversations, all while constantly discovering and learning about myself.
I am curious about life, people, and all the facets of being a human in today's fast-paced world.